"Fabrique a small cross with two thin strips of cedar. The arms of the same should be large enough to encompass the four corners of a silk handkerchief spread, tie the corners of the handkerchief to each of the ends of the cross and you have the body of a comet that, properly completed a tail, a ring and string, will rise through the air like that are made with paper, silk clear that endure being better, without tearing, heavy rain and wind. At the upper end of the stick length of the cross is fixed a very sharp metal tip, which should extend a foot or more of the wood. At the lower end of the line, close at hand, should be tied a silk ribbon, and can bind a key where it binds and ribbon. This comet is sighted should go back when a thunderstorm, and the person holding the rope should be placed in a doorway or window, or under covered elsewhere, so as not to wet the silk ribbon, also must ensure that the rope does not rub the context of making or window. As soon as the kite hovering over some storm clouds, the sharp tip will draw the electric fire in them, and the kite, like rope, will be electrified, and the lint of the string is stand up straight and experience the attraction of a finger approach them. And when the rain has wet the kite and string, being able to conduct the electric fire freely, check that wealth flows from the tap in the vicinity of the joint. In this key the phial may be charged with electric fire thus obtained spirits may become inflamed and can perform all other electric experiments generally require rubbing a glass tube, therefore, is demonstrated without doubt the identity of the electric field of lightning "
Benjamin Franklin. The Pennsylvania Gazette, October 19, 1752
Needless to say, the great risk he ran Franklin in this experiment, subsequently other scientists, who dared to repeat the same died in the attempt. That no one comes to mind repeating.