Monday, December 7, 2009

Reversal Toys For Toddlers

The sleeve waters and here comes ... AGORA

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Do People With Hiv Not Get Sick

I've seen Agora and acknowledge that I have liked, the attacks Fortunately, verbal, sparked by religious fanatics have no basis. In the story told there is neither good nor bad, only characters who defend their ideas, some by means of reason, others by force, and others using both. I think all the fuss has been raised, is a marketing operation to promote the film, it is not a work for a large audience. Often thought that a film with so much budget is required to take more action, because it does not, is an intellectual European film, love, sentiments and dramatic moments.

The film is to be taken as fiction with "a lot of philosophy", not as a documentary or historical work as we have tried to sell. The incursion of some licenses, related to classical science, as saying that he sensed Hypatia and elliptical orbits, as a Neoplatonic and as such, only conceived the existence of the circle represents perfection. We also see her doing an experiment, tossing a sandbag from the mast of a bank to demonstrate inertia, 1200 years before Galileo invoked to show that the earth moves.

I think it reflects quite well what were the Christians of the time, first freeing slaves and helping the poor, but on the other hand stoning Jews and Gentiles, in addition to aspire to political power against Alexandria the prefect Orestes. There are also several licenses on historical facts, but in order to be forgiven. I believe Christians should not feel offended by the movie, you just have to learn from the past and think that fundamentásemos not lead anywhere.

There is a movie scene where the Bishop Cyril, in the presence of the prefect reads a passage from the First Letter of Paul to Timothy as a challenge to the teachings of Hypatia, the letter says things like

not permit a woman to teach or to dominate the man. To remain silent. For Adam was formed first and Eve second. And Adam was not deceived but the woman who seduced, was in the transgression. However, it was saved by her motherhood while modestly persevere in faith, in charity and holiness.

contrasts with what he says the same St. Paul to the Galatians:

no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, has not, there is neither male nor female

As Some authors consider it a later addition to the text of St. Paul, as can here.

Well in short we must never think of a movie without having seen it, and tastes are like the colors and the back, everyone has one.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Happened To Freeones


Spain's general budget for 2010 envisage a drastic reduction in the resources allocated to science. Throughout the term the socialist party has been dedicated to proclaim the need to invest in science. However, when it's time for truth has been demonstrated that a commitment to scientific and technological development of the country is subject to the vested interests for years to develop a production model based on tourism and construction. At the end, this model has left behind a society if unemployed and indebted to the teeth. How can we change this dynamic? Why political society feel disheartened following the rejection of Madrid Olympic venue and even the science minister has spoken at such a budget cut? Why English science does not need scissors?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Wear Mom Panties Pic

The flame of a candle

When a candle is lit, it looks like the radiated heat melts the wax near the wick, which goes by the same, to reach the top it evaporates. Immediately above the fuse there is a dark cone surrounded by a yellow zone, which is the main cause of luminosity. Next to the flame near the wick is a blue zone. The existence of these zones, instead of one, is one of the characteristics of diffusion flames . This type of flame is produced when fuel and the oxidant are not mixed before ignition occurs. In this case, what happens is the molecular diffusion of oxygen through the surface of the volume of fuel gas. This process is slow, but speed can increase the temperature rises. Diffusion flames usually are yellow due to the carbon filament that forms in the process.

Around the wick is the coldest area (600 ° C) of the flame. As the temperature rises in height progressively increased to reach the 1200 º C in the central part of the yellow zone. Outside the center, at the edges of the yellow flame is reached around 1400 ° C.

By evaporating the wax on the end of the wick (dark area), the heat causes the hydrocarbon chains break down into single atoms or diatomic molecules.

By passing these to the blue zone is mixed with oxygen diffused from the air around the candle. As the temperature increased the C2 and CH particles emit blue light. The main reation is carried out at the ends of the flame coming out the products CO2 and H2O at the top of the flame. The yellow zone is where sólidasde C particles that have formed in the center of the candle glow enter due to high temperatures.

On the other side are the premixed flames, which are produced when fuel and oxidizer are mezclanpreviamente, with a ratio within the range of flammability, before ignition. An example is a torch or a Bunsen burner

Sunday, August 9, 2009

List Of Body Piercing Shops In The Philippines

August 9, 1945 - Nagasaki.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Poptropical Fun Brains

August 6, 1945 - Hiroshima

We knew the world would never be the same.
A few laughed, cried a few others, almost all were silent.
remember the verse from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad-Gita: Vishnu is trying to convince the Prince
that should do its work and to impress
, as shown in multiple arm and says:
"Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds"
I guess we all thought that, one way or another .

Robert Oppenheimer, recalling Trinity test of the atomic bomb on July 16, 1945

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lowfat Waffle Recipes

Comets on Sky Valencia

Ente 6 and June 7 was held XII Festival de Kites Valencia, where I was with my family made, as shown in the photo (thanks Angel), the most I like tetrahedral kites. Two days of wind and sun, but sharing with a bunch of friends kite. Thanks to everyone, but especially Jose Royo for their efforts that the festival is alive year after year.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Headscissors Milking Men

Minutes "arc?

The site of the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia , I found these signs that indicate how much time were the various buildings of the compound. But part-time or minutes of arc.
Can a temple of scientific know someone measure the time in minutes of arc, or rather, who designed the poster lacks class the day he explained that the minutes of time are expressed with the abbreviation min and not with an apostrophe .?