Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jacksonville Male Brazilian

Picasso's Guernica in 3D

People who know the Guernica knows that it is a painted in oil, with 782 x351 cm, Pablo Picasso presented in 1937 at the Paris International Exhibition.

fabric in black and white, representing the bombing of the town of Guernica on April 26, 1937 by German planes and is currently exhibited at the National Centre de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid.

The painter, who lived in Paris at that time, learned of the slaughter by newspapers and painted people, animals and buildings destroyed by the Nazi air force, as he saw in his imagination.

Now, an artist New York, Lena Gieseke, who master the most modern techniques of computer graphics, to propose a 3D version of the famous book and place it on the Internet, video form. The result is fascinating and allows us to see the details, otherwise, we would go unnoticed. This innovative technique is revealed as a powerful tool to better understand how to work the painter and even the way his mind worked.

* Music: Nana de Manuel de Falla *

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baby Oil Good For Dry Skin

Dictionary of educational terms

CURRICULUM ADAPTATION: Give books from primary to secondary school students.

INDIVIDUAL CURRICULUM ADAPTATION: books Dar primary school students (but a different one for each student).

ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY: Devote more time to those not used to study than those who did serve.

INITIAL ASSESSMENT: Test is done at the beginning of the course that helps the teacher finds that students do not know anything.

BASIC SKILLS: Learn to O with a joint.


CURRICULUM: Program curriculum, but in Latin it is cooler.


teaching unit: Lesson , issue.


DIVERSITY: Students will Justito or directly beans. Sometimes also included pre-criminals.

themes: Try that students do not take drugs, no grandmothers run over the bike and do not have unprotected sex.

INCLUSIVE SCHOOL: Putting healthy and rotten apples in the same boat. The aim is to become the bad sound, but the end result being that many good becomes bad.


GRADUATE IN SECONDARY EDUCATION: paper in DIN A-3 that can be used to decorate.

MEDIATION: Try a student will return to another MP3 player that has Mangado.

CONSTRUCTIVISM: fanatical and dangerous sect (as shown) that says that kids learn things for themselves.

PEDAGOGY: Witchcraft disguised medicine. Pseudoscience so ignorant that ignore their own ignorance. VERSATILITY

curriculum: phenomenon that occurs when a teacher teaches social sciences.


3 º ESO: BUP 1, but much easier.

1 º DE CARRERA: 3 of BUP i COU in a single year. It is done in college.

SOCIAL PROGRAMME WARRANTY: Refugium pecatorum (refuge of sinners). Waiting for working-age teenagers.

REFLECTIVE PRACTICE: prepare the class before giving them.

CURRICULAR PROJECT: large cabinet with many papers being opened once a year when the inspector comes.

POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS IN THE CLASSROOM: Count to 10 and take a deep breath to suppress the urge to insult or beat up a student.

TEACHERS HEALTH AND WELFARE: end not locked in an asylum and without the services of speech pathologist.


ICT Computer (if you're already tired of saying "new technologies").

TAC: Computer (if you're already tired of saying ICT).

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cost Removal Cyst Sebaceous

The financial crisis explained in simple

What is the economic crisis?, And explained it to me one day:

Heidi owns a bar in Berlin. Naturally, he wants to increase sales, and decides to allow its clients, most of whom are unemployed alcoholics, drink now and pay another day. Writes down in a notebook everything you consume each of its customers. This is a way as any other lending operations. Soon, thanks to word of mouth, the bar starts to fill Heidi customers.

As customers do not pay instantly, Heidi decides to increase profits rise the price of beer and wine are the drinks that customers consume the most. The profit margins soaring.

A bank manager working with Heidi, very enterprising, he realizes that the claims of customers of the bar are high value assets, and decides to increase the amount of the loan to Heidi. The bank's management sees no reason to worry because the bank loan is based for the return of the debts of the bar's patrons.

The bank's headquarters managers make these banking assets-bonds drink, Alcho-bonds and bank bonds - vomit. These bonds go to market and change hands in the international financial market. Nobody really understands the names mean so rare for these securities, nor understand that these bonds are guaranteed, even if they have any warranty or not. But as prices continue to rise steadily, the value of bonds goes up constantly.

However, although prices are rising, a financial risk consultant working in the same bank (adviser who by the way soon fired because of their pessimism) decides it's time to demand payment of debts customers of the bar of Heidi. But of course this can not repay debts. Heidi can not repay their bank loans and into bankruptcy.
The drink-
bonds and bonds alcoholic suffer a fall of 95% of its value. The vomit-bonds are slightly better, falling only 80%.

bar providers from Heidi, who gave lengthy payment delays and also bought bonds when the price began to rise, are in the same situation. The wine supplier goes bankrupt, and the beer does not sell the business to competition.

The government intervenes to save the bank, after talks between Prime Minister and leaders of other political parties. To fund the rescue of the bank, the government introduced a new tax too high paid by nondrinkers.

Finally! One explanation that I understand!

(Written found in cyberspace)