Friday, April 18, 2008

Can I Start Microgynon Just Before My Period

The voice of Neanderthal

If you ever wondered as they did our ancestors 30,000 years ago, the answer has given Robert McCarthy, an anthropologist at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton (USA), has managed to reproduce the voice would be like a Neanderthal, as published in NewScientist .

McCarthy was based on the reconstructions of the vocal tracts of existing fossils of this ancient hominid species with more than 50,000 years old. Using a voice synthesizer has compared the pronunciation of the phoneme "e", in contrast to how it could sound the vowel in the XXI century. Here are the differences

Neanderthal Speech

actual human voice

may know little, but says American anthropologist who is working to get synthesize complete sentences.

This work is consistent with recent studies claiming that Neanderthals with modern humans share a gene that in its absence causes various disorders in speech and language.


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