Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
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Gelouuuuuuu !!!!! Siiiiiii This seeeeeee, I have a little abandoned you ......... I have no excuse it's worth, whether I'm to the point.
This summer started with a new modality in the world of manualides. THE WORLD OF BEADS. A if I am going to be teaching little by little I idho doing, there have been many things.FIMO I. COLLECTION .... several models of pendant earrings and bracelets .....
Gummy bears ..... STILL have to recycle everything ....
WIRES SET, consisting of earrings and necklace ..........
to butterfly else .............. Hello
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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A fanatic is someone who can not change his mind and will not change the subject.
If every English speaking about what he knows would be a huge silence that we could use for study. Manuel Azana
By all means marry. If your wife is good, be happy, if bad, you're a philosopher. Socrates
a specialist and who Erros Todolo cometeu possible researching a topic.
A specialist is someone who knows more and more fewer topics ... until he gets to know everything about nothing.
What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate. Katherine Hepburn .
As the speed of light is greater than the sound of some people appear bright ... before we hear the nonsense they say.
The reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, will not (Philip K. Dick)
About the things that are not always known was the best view (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz )
As Cousas should facerse or máis sinxelas possible, but non máis (Einstein)
aspire to perfection is equivocaches you xa
The problem with the world is that the stupid are cocky and the intelligent are full of doubts (Bertrand Russell)
Those who know, do it. Those who understand, teach it (Aristotle) \u200b\u200b
can not prevent the bird from flying over your head sadly, but you can prevent nesting in your hair (Chinese proverb)
not ever confuse knowledge with wisdom. The first serves to make a living, wisdom helps us to live (Charles Chaplin)
To not by silence When We Should Protest Makes Cowards out of men. The sin of silence, when they should protest makes cowards of men (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
The truth is the truth, Agamemnon say it or its man. Agamemnon. - As. The swineherd. - I am not convinced. "(Juan de Mairena, I).
The truth of man begins where it ends its own folly. But the folly of man is inexhaustible (Juan de Mairena, on the truth.)
Carpe Diem. Enjoy the present day, enjoy the present (Quinto Horacio Flaco (65 BC - 8 BC)
Who Wants to live forever? "Who wants to live forever (Queen)
not can insult a sensible person because the truth does not insult and lie does not deserve to be taken into account (Robert Heinlein, Citizen of the Galaxy)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Hunting Birthday Ideas
Come over here a little while, with lightning visit to show all all I did for my sister and me in my brother's wedding.
The purple was mine and did so with the intention to go very close to the face with a high bow 60's style.
The red was put to one side of the pickup point with curly hair that was precious.
What do you think?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
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In this world where metaíisica and aesthetics have been overwhelmed by epistemic materialism, at least catharsis is understood as the expungement of the passions through aesthetic contemplation.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
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I have to thank Vicent Soler and technology teachers Sixto from Marcos, for the kindness with which I received, and of course the students enjoyed, I hope, building and flying the sky smiles, as they call the Chinese kites.
Friday, November 5, 2010
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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Hello again. Deliver what it promises and I'm here again.
Masgarita I want to teach. This girl epelente have commissioned me with round eyes, we are the only change he has.
This nurse is another custom of a boy for his girlfriend, when going to see him take a detail like that monooooooooooo.

This gift is what happened to:
Arantxa of
The Moses http://la-moiss.blogspot . com /
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Loren and her little Sofia
Cesar http://www. / Raky of Sally
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A big kiss for everyone .......
Saturday, October 30, 2010
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And since many
of this type, no less striking is the reason why the first body.not move as many movements as are more distant from the first revolution, but more intermediates. It would seem logical that, by moving the first body with a single translation, the closest he moved with the fewest possible moves, say two the following three, or any other similar organization. In fact the opposite is true: for the Sun and the Moon move with less motion Some of the wandering stars, and yet are farther from the center and closer to those
Aristotle About Heaven, Book II, 12, 291b-292nd.
Among the works of Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) About the sky belongs to all treaties dedicated to the study of nature. It seems that the origin of this book is a commentary to the dialogue of Plato (427 - 347 BC) Timaeus, where the teacher of Aristotle, shows a consistent cosmology in a universe made up of two areas. The area outside corresponds to the celestial sphere, which is equipped with a circular motion. The earth also is spherical, is suspended above the center of the field. The sun, moon, planets and stars revolve around the Earth describing circular orbits, uniform and regular. This regularity demanded by Plato to the Sun and planets, in contrast to the apparent irregularity of their movement observed from Earth: the retrograde of the outer planets, the speed changes, the phases of the moon, etc.. The only possible explanation was that these irregularities had to be the result of a composition of uniform circular motion.
therefore had to make a work of reconciliation between cosmological postulates observed celestial motions. How Greek astronomers such as Eudoxus of Cnidus (390 to 337 BC), Caliper Cízipo (370 to 310 BC) and later Ptolemy (100 - 170), directed their efforts to devise a series of geometric constructions in order to save phenomena that contradicted the Platonic view of the universe, full of order and perfection. Thus these mathematical solutions to the celestial movements must be subordinate to a physical view of the universe.
Foundations of Aristotle's cosmology is mostly on the second book about heaven. But this conception of the universe can not be understood without his ideas on natural philosophy, as stated in other treaties, such as Physics, Metaphysics and On the generation and corruption. What Aristotle meant by change, coupled with the material composition of the substances that form, its eternity and finitude makes the Aristotelian universe is rational in nature, where nothing that happens is the result of improvisation or chance.
Aristotle divides the universe into two worlds: the supralunar and the sublunary. The Earth, which has a spherical shape, and is at rest in the center of it, and around it are superimposed concentric spherical layers for the remaining three elements: water, air and fire (sublunary world). In this area the natural motion is rectilinear. Above, are the celestial spheres (supralunar world), where the fixed stars and planets, which are incorruptible and experience no changes other than the local circular motion. To explain these celestial movements, uses a geometric method proposed by Eudoxus, in which each planet was linked to a number of areas homocentric, ie, all with the same center, the Earth, whose orderly and regular movements combined to form the movement of each of the heavenly bodies separately. Just admit the there are three areas for the Sun and the Moon, and four areas for each of the five known planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), 26 areas in total. Calipo later, a pupil of Eudoxus, perfected the system by adding a total of 33 areas.
But the areas were to Eudoxus and Calipo geometric appeal to save the phenomena, they lacked physical consistency, its purpose was to explain and predict the motion of celestial bodies. Thus each sphere system was independent of the others, did not need the contact between the outermost sphere of a planet and the innermost of the following, for transmitting motion, only the areas that ordered el movimiento de cada planeta debían actuar en conjunto . Aristóteles proporcionará realidad física a estas esferas, compuestas de éter, que es material diferente a los cuatro elementos del mundo sublunar, este quinto elemento es superior a los demás, ya que, al contrario de los otros, solo experimenta un cambio el movimiento local circular .
Para explicar el origen de los movimientos planetarios, Aristóteles pensó en un primer motor que transmitía el movimiento a todas las esferas desde la más externa, la esfera de las estrellas fijas, a la más interna, la esfera de la Luna . Sin embargo esta idea implicaba, ampliar de 33 a 55 las esferas:
Su única función era la de proporcionar mechanical ties necessary to keep rotating the entire set of concentric shells, ie all areas transformed into a celestial timepiece driven by the field of stars. Since the universe was filled, all areas were in contact, and rubbing each other transmitting motion to the whole system. The sphere of the stars dragged which was closer, the outermost of the seven shells homocentric, which brings to Saturn. This shell dragged internal nearest neighbor in the set of Saturn, and so on, until the movement was finally transmitted to the lower field the set, responsible for the movement of the moon. This last area is the most ethereal interior of the shells, the lower limit of the region of the sky or supralunar.
Therefore, Aristotle's universe was eternal and finite, where the stars are incorruptible and unchanging number. The irregularity is the result of appearances, as shown in the text under review. This is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Book II on Heaven. Aristotle asks why the rotations of the spheres do not follow an increasing order from the fixed stars to the sphere of the moon? That is, the reason for the apparent irregularity in the field of stars still moves in one motion, so that then the planets (wandering stars), do it with various movements, and the Moon and the Sun require fewer rotations and the Earth stands still. Aristotle's answer, is nothing to indicate that in addition to law enforcement bodies are endowed with activity and life, and therefore depending on the activity you need a body like this:
It seems that, in that it possesses the perfection , that is the fine without
is a way of saying that nature strives for perfection by roads that are beyond us, but necessary. Nothing is vain in nature, everything has its reason and purpose is the pursuit of good. Therefore
Aristotle's text clearly expresses what the rationality of the Cosmos, which based on assumptions about the reason given by the apparent irrationality of the observed phenomena is that nature is still hiding the roads apparent order. This idea coupled with the first engine fitted in very well with the theological image of God developed during the Middle Ages, this is one reason why the Aristotelian cosmology lasted until the sixteenth century.
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that really will not disappear I promise you that next week pe ....... will update and upload all the beads I've been doing this summer. Well
had saved this post specifically for this day. Since it is Halloween and while here is the day of all saints and even much more serious for the occasion our party prefer the American ............. ay recognize that it's more fun, though it hurts .......

This kukifrank and his son is so cute ........ ......... lol ..... both the I have made many squares and smiling to make it more fun.
And this is, in the style of my kukis but much paler .... jejej.
What do you think?