Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ovarian Cyst Cramping

A fanatic is someone who can not change his mind and will not change the subject.

If every English speaking about what he knows would be a huge silence that we could use for study. Manuel Azana

By all means marry. If your wife is good, be happy, if bad, you're a philosopher. Socrates

a specialist and who Erros Todolo cometeu possible researching a topic.

A specialist is someone who knows more and more fewer topics ... until he gets to know everything about nothing.

What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate. Katherine Hepburn .

As the speed of light is greater than the sound of some people appear bright ... before we hear the nonsense they say.

The reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, will not (Philip K. Dick)

About the things that are not always known was the best view (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz )

As Cousas should facerse or máis sinxelas possible, but non máis (Einstein)

aspire to perfection is equivocaches you xa

The problem with the world is that the stupid are cocky and the intelligent are full of doubts (Bertrand Russell)

Those who know, do it. Those who understand, teach it (Aristotle) \u200b\u200b

can not prevent the bird from flying over your head sadly, but you can prevent nesting in your hair (Chinese proverb)

not ever confuse knowledge with wisdom. The first serves to make a living, wisdom helps us to live (Charles Chaplin)

To not by silence When We Should Protest Makes Cowards out of men. The sin of silence, when they should protest makes cowards of men (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

The truth is the truth, Agamemnon say it or its man. Agamemnon. - As. The swineherd. - I am not convinced. "(Juan de Mairena, I).

The truth of man begins where it ends its own folly. But the folly of man is inexhaustible (Juan de Mairena, on the truth.)

Carpe Diem. Enjoy the present day, enjoy the present (Quinto Horacio Flaco (65 BC - 8 BC)

Who Wants to live forever? "Who wants to live forever (Queen)

not can insult a sensible person because the truth does not insult and lie does not deserve to be taken into account (Robert Heinlein, Citizen of the Galaxy)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hunting Birthday Ideas

shell ................... How are you all? must ask about health, jjeje.

Come over here a little while, with lightning visit to show all all I did for my sister and me in my brother's wedding.

The purple was mine and did so with the intention to go very close to the face with a high bow 60's style.
The red was put to one side of the pickup point with curly hair that was precious.

What do you think?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sores In Mouth From Creatine

Brahms Requiem

In this world where metaíisica and aesthetics have been overwhelmed by epistemic materialism, at least catharsis is understood as the expungement of the passions through aesthetic contemplation.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Which Chromosome Is Usher Syndrome Found

Yuderka Hat!

This hat is named in honor of the first client that I request, call obvious Yuderka. The second option is equal to the first, but in black and this time he added a little color to the flower Turquoise.

Sample Letters Of Community Service Complete

Joint Raineris color Rosa!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Workshop kites in the IES Sixto Marco Elx PUMP

Ay ... ay son I'm the
dirty gusts knocked down all
kites lifted
Miguel Hernandez

On November 3, I sharing an afternoon with a group of students from IES Sixto Marco Elx (Alicante) . It was an afternoon in which I taught build kites, among other things, for example, how bad is the glue IMEDIA eat ... especially for language.

Here is the family photo with the result:

Although I could not accompany them, the 5th of November, were flying in Santa Pola, as you can see:

I have to thank Vicent Soler and technology teachers Sixto from Marcos, for the kindness with which I received, and of course the students enjoyed, I hope, building and flying the sky smiles, as they call the Chinese kites.

Friday, November 5, 2010

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The kite in the Middle Ages

If you want to understand the meaning of this medieval print, click the picture and you will know the history of medieval kite pump.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Hello again. Deliver what it promises and I'm here again.

Masgarita I want to teach. This girl epelente have commissioned me with round eyes, we are the only change he has.

This nurse is another custom of a boy for his girlfriend, when going to see him take a detail like that monooooooooooo.

And finally a catty gift sent to me Eva M ª http://novedadescaramel.blogspot.com/ . It has some colleters and headsets that are beautiful. Eva Thanks for remember me in my absence, jajjaja.

This gift is what happened to:

Arantxa of http://pontefieltro.blogspot.com/

The Moses http://la-moiss.blogspot . com /

Ara http://sonrisasdefieltro.blogspot.com/

D. White Http://creandoimaginacion.blogspot.com/



Loren and her little Sofia http://lore-chuches.blogspot.com/

Cesar http://www. pizcuelos.blogspot.com /

http://www.rakysmanualidades.blogspot.com/ Raky of Sally


Mo http: / / www.escogecaja.blogspot.com/

Mist http://www.trasterin.blogspot.com/

Rouss of http://rouss-agurtzane.blogspot.com/

A big kiss for everyone .......