Holaaaaaaaaaaa otra veeeeeeeeeeez .
Hoy pongo nueva entrada porque tengo muchas cosas que contaros antes de irme de vacaciones que ya esta chupao .
Primero enseñaros lo que he enviado a mi amiga invisible que PONTELO TODO a realizado con mucho esfuerzo. Felicidades por tanto trabajo mujer, que te lo mereces.
No se todavía si le a llegado a su dueña pero yo lo enseño sin decir su nombre.
He hecho una nueva kuki llamada Carmela . La verdad es que la muchacha va tuneada de unas y de otras. El cinturón de un inter , Earrings other jejejej.
I really liked as I was quedao , I have to make the exchange because I have nothing made me, all I look is yours, jajajjaja .

And of course, another sheep unnamed ..... I could not resist sending before the draw .....

And now it's the turn of a new purse a purse ....... we but purse is small change. This is the pig wallet. oig oig ... Nooooooooo , maaaaañaaaaanaaaaaaaaaa ......: P

also sent him Telitas and a few faces, hands and flowers to use them as you want.
On the other hand, if I have received my inter ........ I have had Cris of http://lasmanualidadesdebu.blogspot.com/ . I am delighted with everything I have commanded because it is a hatchet to pad buttons and badges look look ....... .................
And I ......
Today I have received two awards, we're going, and I have 3 this week and do not stop there ....... ........ give me joy that I want to look really ....... ..........
First has sent me my friend Mamen de http://lacaballerita.blogspot.com/ . A chance been xq I've come to greet me as I have found abruptly, jajajja.
Now comes the hard ........... He
gift to:

gift to:
Ara of http://www.sonrisasdefieltro.blogspot.com/ because I love a lot and gives you confidence right from the beginning . Elisa
of the girl http://blog-moo-moo.blogspot.com/ Resala more ingenious of all blogs in the world mudial .
Sarai of http://www.pichirimiri.blogspot.com/ is my province and I am thrilled to have her around here, I hope to know better.
to my girls http://sibiymay.blogspot.com/ of being superfans of Michael Jackson and for being a artistazo with their hands.
And the second I sent him my Arantxita of http://pontefieltro . blogspot.com /

And so says:
These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fellowship among bloggers , a form of show love and appreciation for the work that adds value to the WEBES of manners that anyone who receives the award "Thank you to blog friendly" and therefore, follow a few rules:
1 - View distinctive image;
2 - The point on the blog for which he received the prize;
3 - Choose a number of persons of their choice and a blog for each person elected to offer the category "Premium Thank you to blog friendly"
And I give this award to:
of Esther http://brochesnereuchi.blogspot.com/ because I'm having a great time doing the inter you. Asun
http://bybimbolles.blogspot.com/ so funny and resale them. Mercedes
of http://dondeestanmisperolitos.blogspot.com/ for being a girl sky.
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